Out of the blue
- something that is completely unexpected
「Out of the blue」 的出現通常不一定是正面的事情。它也可以指意想不到的壞消息、挑戰或困難。
18世紀的英國,人們會將晴朗的天空中,突然出現的雷電稱為「a bolt out of the blue」,後來人們也將此片語用於航空中,形容無邊無際的藍色天空中,突然出現的飛機。之後 out of the blue 便用來描述某事務,在無預警的狀況下發生。
I got a job offer out of the blue.
The company's CEO announced out of the blue that he was stepping down.
The sales team was shocked when the client canceled their order out of the blue.
The manager received an out-of-the-blue promotion to senior vice president.
除了 "out of the blue" 之外,還有一些其他的片語也表達了類似的意思,例如:
Out of nowhere:意思相似,但「意外感」更多。